CREATE YOUR PATH [t-h-i-n-k]
“You should know where you’re going by now”
This is a terrifying statement. It suggests that by a certain age or time, we should have it all figured out.
But life doesn’t work that way. We’re interested in multiple things, good at different things, and it changes over time. There’s no singular best.
If your work changes, it’s ok. Mine is changing and I couldn’t be happier about it. Ideas I’ve had are finally coming into the world, and it feels really good. I should correct that statement: Ideas I’ve had are finally coming into the world because I’m finally allowing my ideas to come into the world. Sometimes as artists, we don’t do this. Because we fear being judged.
It doesn’t matter if my ideas are “good” or not, but the fact that I’ve decided to go for it - - - to do it anyway, gives me a great deal of satisfaction and confidence.
If you do nothing else for yourself this year, start allowing.
“I don’t think there’s an artist of any value who doesn’t doubt what they’re doing”. ~Francis Ford Coppola
Note to Self [k-n-o-w]
Goal without deadline = Fantasy
Goal + deadline = Objective
Goal + deadline + plan = Intention
Goal + deadline + plan + consistent action = Success
Personal meaningful goal + deadline + plan + consistent action = Fulfillment
*From @booklyreads
A lovely artist from North Carolina (thanks Christy!) came to one of my workshops and introduced me to this great mark making tool. It comes in several colors and doesn’t need to be fixed! Click here to purchase on Amazon - - it comes in a pack of one, or box of 12.
Also, after the hurricanes last fall, here’s a great list from the NY Times for:
How to Help Victims of the Southern California Wildfires